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Septic system 


All infrastructure requires regular maintenance and if left too long without it, expensive upgrades or total replacement is often required.

how to get more life from your system

  • Your septic tank should be pumped out every 2 years, possibly annually depending on usage and the size of your septic tank. We encourage our customers to choose a reputable septic service company like High Country Vac Services (403) 938-1500 or Advantage Vac  (403) 554-6559 for regular service. 

  • If your system includes a pump, which is very common in today's septic systems in order to meet current code, the system may also utilize a filter or a screen. These may need to be cleaned annually or more often depending on usage.

  • Rainwater or spring runoff should be directed away from the septic tank and field locations. Water cannot be allowed to pond or flow over the top of the septic field area.

  • Traffic of any type should not be allowed to cross the septic field with the only exception being a standard lawnmower. The buried components have as little as 12 inches of soil coverage and are susceptible to compaction. In addition, in the cold and winter months, frost can be driven into the septic field with foot traffic, livestock, or vehicles of any type. Compacted soils and frost will create septic field failures which can be costly to repair.

  • Septic field additives or chemicals should never be required if your system is designed and operating properly. If the system is malfunctioning or smells bad then consult a professional septic service company and identify and rectify the problem. Additives only prolong or mask the real issue.

  • Keep your plumbing fixtures in good working condition. A slow leaking toilet or malfunctioning water softener can easily add over 350 gallons per day to your septic system, which is more than the total design loading for a 3 bedroom home.

  • The original system was designed with a specific load factor. Do not add additional water loading from water softeners, iron filters, foundation drains or sumps, hot tubs, pool filters, or bedroom additions without consulting the septic designer/installer.

  • Keep diagrams and any operational manuals showing the location of your septic tank and disposal field.

  • Manhole access lids must be secure and raised above the grass for accessibility and to eliminate water draining into it.

  • Cooking greases and fats should not be sent down the drain. Greases do not breakdown easily and float to the surface in the septic tank which reduces the working capacity.


Regular cleaning and maintenance of your septic system will ensure its efficient operation and longevity. If use increases, be aware of overloading the system and take precautions via water conservation methods, more frequent maintenance and cleaning or a system upgrade. For further information, view the Alberta Private Sewage Codes and Standards. -




Every system is designed with a specific load factor. Do not add additional water loading from water softeners, iron filters, foundation drains or sumps, hot tubs, pool filters, or bedroom additions without consulting the septic designer/installer.


Maintain plumbing fixtures. A leaky toilet can add additional 350 gallons/day to your system.


Keep diagrams and any operational manuals showing the location of your septic tank and disposal field.


Manhole access lids must be secure and raised above the grass for accessibility and to eliminate water draining into it.


Septic field additives or chemicals should never be required if your system is designed and operating properly. Additives only prolong or mask the real issue.


If the system is malfunctioning or smells bad then consult a professional septic service company and identify and rectify the problem.

keep it clean

Your septic tank should be pumped every 2 years or more depending on size & usage.


If your system has a filter or screen, these should be cleaned yearly or more often dependant on usage.


Cooking greases and fats should not be put down the drain as they do not breakdown easily and float to the surface of the septic tank reducing the capacity.





how often your tanks should be cleaned

medications should be flushed

gallons is the impact from 1 leaky toilet

how often you should clean your filters

An important environmental note:
Pharmaceuticals or any medications should never be flushed into the septic system. The chemicals within the drugs do not break down easily and have been proven to migrate through the soil and into the water aquifers.

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Okotoks, Alberta Canada T1S 0A8

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