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Septic System Installation

The key to a long-lasting system is the link between proper design and installation,
Why choose grayline? 

  • We will meet with you on your site to discuss your needs and how you foresee the development of your property.

    • Often times homeowners would like certain elements to remain undisturbed, ex: certain trees, pathways, landmarks, etc. We will work with you to accommodate these important requests. ​

  • We will assess your site and explain the type of septic system which will fit your onsite conditions and answer any questions you may have. 

  • We will go over what to expect with the entire process from design to installation. 

  • We will go over placement options for your septic tank and septic field which will be acceptable to you and meet all municipal code requirements. 

    • When going over placement options we will also discuss how you foresee your landscaping - we pride ourselves in our ability to make your septic system blend into your landscaping. Your septic system should never be an eyesore. Matt is very meticulous and will ensure your site is left very neat and tidy and is ready for fine landscaping.  

  • We will align you with a Certified Design Consultant who we know and trust to provide you with a timely and quality design. 

FREE Written Quotes

Once it is determined what the daily flow rates from the home will be and how many square feet of septic field are required to disperse the wastewater the design specialist can develop a plan and blueprints for the project. Grayline will then provide you with a free written quote based on this design. We are more than happy to review the system design and installation procedures with you and to answer any questions you may have. At this point, we can proceed with an installation timeline and book the project for installation and completion.

Our Installation Standards:

  • We believe projects should be completed on time and on budget. 

  • We treat every job as if it were our own home. 

  • We endeavor to provide you with a system that is hassle-free and reliable. 

  • Our goal is to provide an affordable onsite sewage solution that meets or exceeds your needs and is compliant with all Provincial and Municipal regulations.

  • We pride ourselves in the protection of the environment and delivering a cost-effective, high-quality septic system.

system types

Septic tank types

Conventional Septic Tank:


A conventional septic tank is a two-compartment concrete tank installed below the ground near the house. It is here that all the wastewater and materials that are flushed down the drain are accumulated. The first compartment is the Working Compartment (Trash Tank), it is here where the solids in the wastewater settle to the bottom (Sludge) and the greases and fats float to the top (Scum) which leaves grey water in the middle. The greywater which is the cleanest is allowed to migrate into the next compartment via a plumbing system. The second compartment is the Dose Tank. This is where the effluent is either pumped or siphoned out to the septic field. The Dose tank will have a high water alarm set up to notify the homeowner if the pump or siphon system fails.

Advanced Treatment Plant:


There are various types of advanced treatment plants. Grayline specializes in the installation of the Pro-Flo advanced treatment plant. The Pro-Flo system is a four-compartment concrete tank installed below ground near the house. Raw, unsettled waste/water from your home enters directly into the pretreatment tank. Inside the pretreatment tank, the solids separate from the liquid and the liquid flows into the aeration chamber. Inside the aeration chamber, simple hydraulic displacement is accomplished by the introduction of air. Air is introduced into the aeration chamber by passing from the aerator motor through the diffuser bar and into the system. This air promotes the growth of aerobic organisms in much larger amounts than would naturally occur. It is these aerobic organisms (bacteria) that break down the organic material. As the wastewater leaves the aeration chamber, it enters the "quiet zone" better known as the clarifier. No mixing occurs inside the clarifier. In the clarifier, any "leftover" solids separate from the liquid and settle to the bottom of the clarifier. This solid material is called sludge. Sludge contains dissolved oxygen and the bacteria it contains are activated by the oxygen. This activated sludge is returned to the aeration chamber where it is mixed and digested again. The sludge mixes with the incoming wastewater and this mixture of returned sludge, wastewater, and dissolved oxygen is referred to as mixed liquor. The mixed liquor flows back into the clarifier, the solids separate and return once again to the aeration chamber. This never-ending cycle produces a clear, odorless, high-quality effluent.

Field types

Septic FIELD types

  • Due to updated regulations the installation of gravity fed septic fields have become nearly obsolete.  As the name implies, gravity septic fields work by letting gravity drain effluent from the septic tank into a network of pipes. These septic fields receive all of the effluent applied to one area. As there is no equal distribution of the effluent this part of the field is prone to becoming waterlogged and plugged causing an eventual failure. These fields are also more likely to fail on today’s modern homes as the water usage is significantly higher.

  • The at-grade septic field is a network of pressurized piping placed on pipe stands above the natural grade. The pipes are covered by open bottom chambers in order to protect the system and then covered in a thick layer of bark mulch. Effluent is pumped through the pipes in controlled doses to ensure uniform distribution throughout the at-grade. This type of field can only be used in conjunction with an advanced treatment plant and in natural forested areas. 

Buried Pressure Distribution​
  • A buried pressure distribution field is a network of pipes placed in gravel-filled trenches. Effluent is pumped through the pipes in controlled doses to ensure uniform distribution throughout the septic field. The pipes within the septic field have small holes drilled in them where the effluent exits the pipes and trickles down through the gravel where it reaches the soil. The soil filters and treats the effluent removing bacteria and other pollutants before it reaches the groundwater. The entire surface area of the field receives an equal dose of effluent which compared to a conventional gravity fed system eliminates overloading the first section of any lateral. These types of septic fields are more efficient in processing the effluent due to the equal effluent distribution.

Raised Sand Mound
  • A raised sand mound septic field is raised above the natural soil surface. It is a 3 foot high landscape berm. The berm is constructed on top of a thick layer of sand which is then covered in washed rock; within the washed rock is a network of pressurized pipes. This combination of sand and washed rock create a natural filter. Effluent is pumped through the pipes in controlled doses to ensure uniform distribution throughout the mound. Treatment of effluent occurs as it moves through the sand and rock, then into the natural soil. This type of septic field can accommodate a higher amount of effluent into a surface area that is smaller than a pressure distribution field. Mound septic fields are the best option in areas of shallow soil depth, high groundwater, or shallow bedrock - mound septic fields make up 80% of the fields we install in our area due to the current code requirements. 


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For any inquiries or questions please call: 403-888-8870 or fill out the form below.

Head Office

394 Cimarron Blvd.

Okotoks, Alberta Canada T1S 0A8

Tel: 403-888-8870

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Service Areas

MD of Foothills | Rocky View County | Airdrie | Bearspaw | Black Diamond | Bragg Creek | Calgary area | Carseland

Chestermere | Cochrane | DeWinton | High River | Heritage Pointe | Indus | Langdon | Millarville | Okotoks | Springbank | Turner Valley | Nanton

© Grayline Contracting Ltd.  designed in 2021 with Awedity Creative

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